That little step everyday

No matter how many articles I publish every month, I do not feel confident enough to publish the next piece. The thought that 'is this good enough?' always stays in my mind.

I envy people who are confident enough to say to themselves that their work is good enough. There may be flaws in their work, but their confidence can compensate for that.

Why am I full of doubts? This quote - "idiots are full of confidence and intelligent people are full of doubts" consoles me a bit 😅, but can never make me feel at ease. Because my role models are confidently publishing their work despite having self-esteem issues. I adore them. I want to be like them. Taking that little step every day to push themselves to be confident.

I always observe the body language of stand-up comedians. I often wonder whether they have fear of not being liked. What if the audience do not find their jokes funny? And they have to stand on stage in front of audience. They can't even afford to show their sadness if audience are not laughing at their funny lines. They have to be witty and super confident at least when they are on stage. I admire each and every stand-up comedian for their confidence levels.

Marie Forleo always says that the world needs that special gift that only you have.
How mesmerising! No matter how many people are publishing their work on the same topic, your voice always matter and it's special. No one can write exactly like you. Cherish that uniqueness. Take that little step everyday to tell yourself that your work matters! Repeat it in your mind so much that your negative thoughts will be overridden.


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